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Implementing a zero-waste lifestyle is an effective method to make a difference. Let's begin with your kitchen! In this post, we'll look at some practical waste-free living recommendations from eco-conscious folks.
1. Buy Smart, Waste Less
“Buy groceries on a weekly basis (less rotten veggies!)”

Source: DetikFood [1]
Arrange your weekly grocery shopping to avoid leftovers groceries and food rot. This saves money while also ensuring quality and minimizing waste. Keep your fridge filled with healthier options to say goodbye to wasted groceries.
2. Embrace the Power of Planning
“Make a meal plan”
@aristyagurusinga and @adriepn

Source: Elizabeth Rider [2]
Organizing meals makes your life easier and reduces waste. Make a weekly menu out of ingredients from the cabinets and refrigerator. Make innovative ways to utilize leftovers to make superb meals. With a little planning, you can eliminate waste and enjoy every bite.
3. BYOB: Bring Your Own Bags
“Don't forget to bring your own shopping bags!”

Source: CNN [3]
Bring reusable grocery bags with you wherever you go. Replace single-use plastic with chic, sustainable alternatives. Reduce your plastic waste and encourage friends to join the zero waste movement.
4. Sachets, Be Gone!
“Stop buying things in sachets”

Source: University of Colorado Boulder [4]
Bring your own containers to the market to avoid single-use sachet packaging. Remove unnecessary waste from non-recyclable sachet packing. Put condiments and sauces in reusable containers for a waste-free kitchen.
5. Shop Local, Shop in Bulk
“Buy ingredients in bulk”
“Buy from the nearest market if possible”

Source: North Carolina State University [5]
When you purchase in bulk from nearby markets, you help to support the growth of local farmers. By buying supplies in bigger amounts, you save waste by avoiding the usage of redundant packaging. Furthermore, this sustainable approach allows you to save money while supporting the local economy.
6. Harness the Potential of Kitchen Waste for Sustainability
“Turn Your Kitchen Waste into Compost and Eco-Enzyme”

Source: Kompas [6]
Rather than throwing away kitchen waste, turn it into something beneficial. Organic waste composting generates nutrient-rich soil for your garden.Furthermore, look into the benefits of eco-enzymes obtained from fruit and vegetable peels, which can be used as natural cleaning agents [7].
Establishing a zero-waste kitchen is easier than you would believe. Incorporate these simple techniques to make your kitchen more sustainable. Begin small, inspire others, and embrace a more sustainable future.
Do you have more tips to add for a sustainable kitchen? Share in the comments below!
Source(s): [1] https://food.detik.com/info-kuliner/d-5606044/sri-mulyani-belanja-di-pasar-santa-beli-sayuran-hingga-kopi
[2] https://www.elizabethrider.com/ideas-healthy-meal-prep/
[3] https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/13/world/reusable-grocery-bags-cotton-plastic-scn/index.html
[4] https://www.colorado.edu/ecenter/2020/11/09/how-store-food-without-plastic
[5] https://sustainability.ncsu.edu/blog/changeyourstate/5-things-buy-in-bulk-save-money/
[6] https://lifestyle.kompas.com/read/2022/07/27/142900520/agar-tak-terbuang-percuma-berikut-5-cara-mengolah-sampah-makanan-di-rumah
[7] https://www.greenpeace.org/malaysia/story/3227/diy-garbage-enzyme-learn-a-new-skill-during-the-mco/