Are you ready for the
Green Living Challenge ?
A 7-day challenge implementing a sustainable lifestyle. Pick one level to complete.
Share this challenge with your friends and let’s motivate each other to keep taking small steps! If you're trying out the challenge, hop on over and discuss with other eco friends in the forum!
How to join:
Pick a level
Take a picture/video of the activity
Post the picture/video on your Instagram story
Follow @projectplanet_id & @ecoevents_id
Tag these two accounts on your story
Choose your level:


Watch a documentary/read a book about our environment
There’s so much to learn! Expand your knowledge by watching environmental-related documentaries or check out our Zero Waste Cheat Sheet, a simple guide to starting a sustainable lifestyle.
Take a selfie photo/video with your documentary or book!
Sign an environmental petition
Contribute to a better world, with only one click away by signing a petition. You can browse through our Green Living Project in the Organization / Communities category and find petitions to sign, or go to!
Take a photo/video of all your meals in the day!
Pescatarian Day
Switch your red meat consumption with fish and other seafood. If you’re feeling extra motivated, go all out and be plant-based for the day!
Take a photo/video of all your meals in the day!
Switch to a tree planting internet browser
Ecosia is a browser that plants a tree when you use their platform for browsing. Help save the environment while surfing on the internet, cause why not?
Take a screenshot or photo of the browser installed in your gadget!
No Air Conditioner Day
Air conditioners emit pollutants that cause holes in our ozone. Not to mention they use a ton of energy to operate! Reduce your impact by turning your AC off for a day.
Take a photo of your AC turned off at different times of the day with their time stamp: morning, afternoon, and night!
Say NO to Single Use Plastic
Request no plastic straws and utensils whenever you order food/drinks, or bring your own reusables. Avoid using unrecyclable plastics completely (plastic bags, cups, cling wrap, snack wrappers)!
Take a photo/video when using your reusable products or take a photo of your trash can to show your commitment to no single-use plastics!
Cold Shower Challenge
Water heaters require a lot of energy to operate. Household electricity use contributes to the greenhouse gasses produced by power plants. Save money and energy by showering only with cold water today!
Take a photo/video of your shower tap in the “cold” setting!

Get informed about Zero Waste Living
Adopting a zero-waste lifestyle may seem daunting when you have little information about it. Don’t worry, check out our Zero Waste Cheat Sheet consisting of everything you need to know about starting a zero-waste lifestyle.
Take a photo/video of your Zero Waste Cheat Sheet, or the other sources you are studying from!
Fight Food Waste
Be conscious of your food and grocery purchases and buy only what you can finish in time. Cook mostly with what you already have in your fridge or freezer and finish your plate!
Take a photo/video of your clean plate or your grocery or food purchase receipt!
Vegetarian Day
It’s a day to be healthier for yourself and the environment! Prepare or order a vegetarian meal. For your reference, we have gathered a directory of vegetarian restaurants for you in the Green Living Project!
Take a photo/video of all your meals in the day and label what they are!
Reusable water bottles for the win
To avoid buying plastic-bottled water when you’re going out or exercising, always bring your own bottle. Don’t have a bottle? Check out Project Planet’s tumbler that’s up for sale, all proceeds will be donated to our non-profit organization.
Take a photo/video of you doing an activity while holding your bottle.
Make zero waste swaps
Let’s take small steps! Eliminate waste by swapping tissues with cloth napkins, plastic cutleries with reusable ones, and bring your own reusable bag when shopping. There are many more sustainable swaps out there and you don’t have to buy eco-products to make it happen, let’s get creative!
Take a photo/video of some items you use to eliminate waste.
Make your waste useful again
One way to live a more sustainable lifestyle is to repurpose items you no longer use. It could be a pencil case made out of milk cardboard, or a tote bag made from used clothes. You could search for ideas on the internet or search up on Pinterest!
Take a photo/video of an item you have repurposed!
Separate waste
Separate your wastes based on categories (plastic, paper, organics) so that it doesn’t contaminate the recycling process. Check out the Waste 101 page on our website to know all about waste management at home!
Take a photo/video of your home waste management system based on the three or more categories.

Tell a friend about Sustainable Living
It’s one thing to know your way about living sustainably, but it’s another thing to tell your friends about it so they can jump in and see how fulfilling it is! You can recommend them to read our Zero Waste Cheat Sheet which is a simple guide to starting a sustainable lifestyle, or read the articles on our website & social media.
Take a screenshot of your conversation, or you can share one of the posts on our official Instagram account to 2 of your friends about sustainable living!
Declutter and organize your living space
Decluttering is awesome for your overall health and well-being, and a necessary step to minimalist living, which is a form of sustainable living! It shows what you already have and prevents the overconsumption of things you don’t need! Start small in the bedroom, bathroom, or closet. Be careful to dispose of any item properly.
Take a photo/video of your decluttering activity or the result!
Vegan Day
Being conscious of what you consume and how it impacts your body and the environment is one essential step towards a sustainable world. For your reference, we have gathered a directory of vegan restaurants for you in the Green Living Project!
Take a photo/video of all your meals in the day!
Support a sustainable business or an environmental cause
Buy something you need from an ethical and sustainable business, but don’t buy if you don’t need anything. Instead, you can support a cause either through donations or volunteering in organizations focused on environmental issues! Check out amazing eco-fashion brands, green businesses, and environmental organizations in the Green Living Project.
Take a photo/video of you wearing the item you purchased from a sustainable business or of your contribution to an organization.
Cook a meal only with what you already have
Take a step on being responsible for what you purchase from the supermarket or local market! Cook a meal from leftovers or whatever you have in your fridge or freezer.
Take a photo/video of the ingredients you have and the meal you made!
Restyle, Donate or Sell Your Old Clothes
Open your closet and check out how many clothes you have that are unused. Textile waste is one of the largest contributors of waste in the landfill. The sheer amount causes major environmental issues, not counting the toxins and greenhouse gasses it releases. Let’s be conscious by restyling our old apparel, selling it, or donate it.
Take a photo/video of you wearing your restyled apparel. Put a short caption on how you restyled them! Or take a photo/video of you selling or donating your old clothes.
Compost Time
Reduce dangerous methane emissions and avoid filling up landfills by composting your organic waste at home. Did you know, composting can be super easy? Simply do the ‘dig and drop’ by digging a hole on the soil ground 25-30cm deep, and drop your leftovers in there, to be beneficial nutrients for surrounding plants and soil creatures! Or you can purchase a composting bin from local brands.
Take a photo/video of your compost!